There are times in life that the punches won't stop coming. Instead of refusing to "quit" or "give up," just accept it as a time to take a much needed break. Even the best players on the field need some time on the bench to refuel and come back stronger.
Have you even had one of those hell weeks? The weeks where all your plans fall through? Obstacles popping up unexpectedly? Landmines blowing up all around you?
Yep, that was our past week and current situation...
On top of the hurricane knocking down our fence and shorting out our air conditioning, we got some bad news as it relates to Potter's Peel.
Unfortunately, the old B. Brown's space on Roslyn Ave is no longer a viable option for Jason to open a restaurant. In the midst of many calls to repair companies, we got the one call we had been dreading most. When the owner told us he unfortunately wasn't ready to lease the space to anyone, we were certainly deflated, but to be honest, we weren't completely surprised. Right before we went on vacation, we started to notice a little hesitance from him. Partially blinded by our excitement and hope to start our own business, we chose to ignore the signs. live, you learn. We will keep forging on looking for other spaces in town. We'll continue with the same (if not more) hope, but this time we'll be careful not to get too excited about anything until we know it's a done deal. Sometimes things work in your favor, sometimes they don't. All we can hope is there's another door opening down the road. That's all you can do, right? I keep telling myself, "Chin up, buttercup."
Now, here's the part I'm most sad to write and inform you all.
With great sadness, we are sorry to announce we can no longer host Pizza Fridays.
Two days ago we got an email from the Nassau County Health Department telling us they received an anonymous complaint about Potter's Peel. When we called them back to ask questions, they told us because we are taking orders and serving people outside of our immediate family and immediate circle of friends, this is not allowed.
But we only ask for donations to cover costs...
Nope, can't do it.
But we are donating to local hospitals and charities... Nope, can't do it. But these are our friends and neighbors...
Nope, it's gotten too big.
This conversation hurt more than the B. Brown's let down. Really, it did. Jay and I stayed up late last night spinning our wheels on what we could do to keep some resemblance of Pizza Fridays alive.
Do we stop talking about it all together?
Let requests come in completely on their own?
Do we only post on social media about donations from now on?
We really didn't want to let it go. We don't want to say goodbye to a weekly tradition that has brought us so much laughter, joy and comfort. It's built a strong bond of community for us; this in itself is priceless.
Earlier today we decided we would do one last hurrah. Tomorrow would be our final Pizza Friday, we'd pick a charity to fundraise for, we'd offer a handful of the previous weeks' Specialty Pies, and enjoy the last week to the fullest.
As I started typing this email, literally, you can't make this sh#t up...our cesspool collapsed in our backyard....big gaping hole sucking in our hydrangeas, and patio stones...luckily our kids and dog weren't out there!
Soooo.....yah...I think we need to throw in the towel, and handle our, know what (pun-partially-intended).
We really want to let you know how much we cherished these past 5 months with you, Sea Cliff! We are so sorry this chapter has come to an abrupt end for Potter's Peel, but by no way has the Spiel finished. We will evolve and we will continue to reach out and invite you into our lives and into our backyard (once we fix that hot mess, of course).
We love this little town full of big hearts. Thank you for navigating this strange time with us. It's a time we'll never forget!
Keep being uniquely you!
Be well Cromwell (and beyond)!